About Us
Kratomoa is a family-owned Kratom company that has its roots deeply tied to the magnificent lands of Borneo. If you wonder why Borneo, then it's simply because we believe no other place matches the like of this world's third-largest island to cultivate and produce quality Kratom. For nearly a decade, we were devoted to the farming, science, and wellness of the natives.
Before all else, let us quickly give you a glimpse of how Kratomoa is a product of three of our truest passions, namely:
- Our desire to use quality artisanal ingredients
- Our belief that everyone deserves the best for their health
- Our infinite love affair with Kratom

How Our Journey Began
After sampling a couple of Kratom varieties, we realized most of these out there were dull, bitter in taste, stale, colorless, lifeless, and had no real aroma. That's primarily because Kratom loses its originality rapidly. Exposure to air, light, and extremities plays the real culprits. On the other hand, to cut down on costs, most sellers were manufacturing in bulk and let the supply sit in a warehouse long before it was delivered.
This led credence to the idea of Kratomoa with the aim of bringing real Speciosa to the Kratom connoisseurs. Our practices revolve around our customer's health and safety, which is our number one priority. This is why, unlike the mainstream mass-production, we prefer to produce small batches to retain freshness. Besides, we invest a great deal of time, money, and effort in super-clean extraction, air circulation, deep cleaning, record keeping, complying with cGMP Manufacturing, packing in FDA inspected facilities, and testing in state-of-the-art laboratories.

Today, our journey of relentless hard work paid off with not only Kratomoa sold but also loved all across the globe. We are proud to become much more than just a Kratom brand. Rather, we are at the forefront of a Kratom evolution with our exemplary product line that is adopted, embraced and applauded, far and wide- as a support in misery, as an immune booster in ailment, as a renewed hope for progress, a joyful expression of optimism and the best piece of advice you can ever seek.
We love Kratom, just like you, and promise to always be there. We hope you will join us on this journey of exploring and relishing Kratom that is filled with nutrients, culture, and love.
Feel free to reach out anytime. We would love to hear back from you.
If you are new to the herb, you can start with our Kratom Guide to gain perspectives. You will be surprised to learn how many different strains of Kratom exists.
The Kratomoa Team